3 research outputs found

    AI in Law: How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming the Legal Profession in Indonesia

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    The profess on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has widely transformed a new era in the digital technology, social economic, human need and professional behavior. Eventually, artificial intelligence automates even more aspects of legal profession. Furthermore, AI allows the legal profession to automate lower-level tasks, freeing time to focus on complex analysis and client interaction. The research aims to know the literacy of legal professional on the use of AI. The methods used in this study are normative-empirical legal research. Furthermore, research uses primary data which obtained from questionary survey, secondary data i.e., law, books, journals and other related legal sources for research. Meanwhile, the research will analyze through descriptive qualitatively. The research shows that the literacy level of law enforcers in the use of AI is in the medium category. Data shows that 75% of legal professional shows their positive respond about the implementation of AI in their profession. While other shows, 8% of high percentage and 17% of low percentage

    The Islamic Law within the ‎Indonesian Legal System ‎(A Case Study of Islamic Sharia Law ‎in Aceh)‎

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    After the peaceful agreement signed by the Indonesian government with the government of Aceh, special autonomy was granted for Aceh and provided additional space for the two governments to improve the relations. Islamic law was fully effected after the assignment of Law No. 22 of 1999 concerning Regional Autonomy and amended by Law No. 11 of 2006 concerning the Law of the Government of Aceh, which provides a legal basis for the Privileges and Application of Islamic Law in Aceh. This research aims at analyzing the history and current existence of Islamic law in Indonesia and its contradiction with human rights. As an effort to enforce Sharia law, the regional government, besides pouring it into regional regulations or what is called Qanun, also forms institutions tasked with ensuring the proper implementation of Islamic Sharia law in Aceh. The research used normative legal research with a statute approach. The data are taken from secondary data. The results found that there were no human rights violations in applying Islamic law in Aceh